Upcoming PBA Workshops

There are new dates for the next online Person Based Approach to intervention development workshops coming up:

  • 2nd July 2024 09:30-13:00
  • 17th September 2024 09:30-13:00
  • 28th November 2024 09:30-13:00

Anyone who is interested can sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-introduction-to-the-person-based-approach-to-intervention-development-tickets-869099077737

This is an online half-day workshop to develop skills and understanding in using the person based approach to planning and developing health interventions

The objectives of this workshop are to:

Gain an understanding of what the person-based approach is, what it aims to achieve, and how to apply it in a range of circumstances. Specifically, to:

  1. Develop a better understanding of how to create 'Guiding Principles' for your intervention to address the key issues, needs and behavioural challenges of your target population.
  2. Develop skills to carry out think aloud interviews and use the 'Table of Changes' to optimise intervention components to ensure they are as acceptable, feasible, easy to use, motivating, and persuasive as possible.